From Monday 25 October 2021 -  10:00am
To Friday 29 October 2021 - 04:00pm
Hits : 153

HALF term week of creative fun for children in Liverpool.
This half term Laura Keeley will join us again to lead our drama classes and Rosa Harrison (vocalist) will teach the children some musical theatre songs. Elzbieta Siwinska will engage children in the crafty world of paper toys and nature themed storytelling.
Creative playtime scheduled throughout the day, including arts and crafts, origami, paper theatre, light and shadow thatre, musical storytelling and free play.
Our venue has the perfect, inspiring setting for children to explore and enjoy their creative playtime.
We show the children how to play the good old fashioned way, without mobile devices. They will get to know so many new games, make their own play sets and explore some vintage toys.
Come join the fun at the Vintage playroom. Recommended age from 5 years plus.
Parents can drop the children from 9.45am and collect at 4pm.
Small groups of up to 14 children, so please book in advance.

Thank you
